Sabina Colloredo
I live and work in Milan, in a house with high ceilings that gather all the natural light I need to write. From afar, while I write, I hear the unique jingle of the trolley cars so distinctive of my beloved city.
For as long as I can remember, I have told stories that no one had ever told me, I read as often as I breathe, and I can remember a book years after having read it just by the smell of its pages.
In the eighties, I worked in advertising perfecting without pause my writing and my creativity; I worked first as a copywriter, and later as a creative director, until I eventually opened my own advertising agency. Some of the most famous advertising campaigns of those times, bear my signature.
Then, I turned a page in my personal life story and for more than twenty years now I have been writing stories for children and young adults. Stories about mythology, biographies of famous women, novels, poetry and special educational projects for schools.
I like to give a voice to those who don’t have one, and this has always been a common thread throughout my storytelling. Kids appreciate this aspect of my writing because they are often the ones who are not heard.
I also write historical novels for adults, because I would like to be where I could never go, but where I am sure I have been before, very far into the past. In fact, from the Friuli region of the Colloredo dynasty, descended the barbarian Longobards; during a time in history when names were not important, and only the ancient stones held the traces of those who cast them.
My books have been translated into many languages and are read in various parts of the world by young readers who I will never meet, but with whom I have a special bond made of words woven through space, and this always moves me.
For my readers and for my two daughters, each morning I get up, drink a cup of coffee, and I start to write.